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Two mass shootings at pro-gun rallies in two different states initially seem to be nothing more than tragic but separate events until a highly skilled and well-planned murder gives two FBI agents investigating the cases pause for thought. As events continue to unfold around them, the agents find themselves in the middle of a terrifying plot to try and alter the very fabric of American society.

Take one-part reality TV cooking show, three-parts celebrity chef judges, one-part psychopathic obsessive infatuated stalker, and mix to combine in a hot, stressful studio. Leave to simmer for several weeks and then serve in the dead of night to an unsuspecting victim.What could possibly go wrong?

It is generally uncommon to die twice in the space of twenty-four hours, but Todd Sykes manages to do just that.

Starring as the third member of a ghost-hunting reality TV show, Todd and his intrepid team spend many nights locked in historic and allegedly haunted locations, seeking out signs of the paranormal. Their show is hugely popular, mainly due to the remarkable number of ghostly sightings and sounds they get during each ‘investigation’, which their many millions of fanatical fans enthusiastically lap up each week. Something that Todd never mentions to anyone, of course, is that he emphatically does not believe in ghosts or the paranormal, and he has more influence over what happens during those dark hours than anybody realizes.

One evening, Todd returns home after filming and, completely without warning, his world is suddenly and shockingly turned upside down in a way that he could never have imagined. His core beliefs seem to have been shattered, and his life begins to fall apart at an alarming pace as he desperately tries to cope with each new sudden and unexpected surprise that is relentlessly thrown at him. Not only does this lead to his death — twice — but Todd then sinks deeper and deeper into a terrifying mental quagmire, changing his life, and the lives of those around him, forever.

During the era that Tony Blair christened Cool Britannia, the mid-90s, some amazing new bands emerged from Britain: Oasis, The Charlatans, and The Stone Roses to name but a few. This book is the story of a small group of close friends who stumble into that world of excess and fame, and their meteoric rise to mega-stardom.

There's the money, the music, the drugs, the drink binges, constant adoration and attention from fans, but what about the other side of it? The paparazzi, the gossip magazines and papers, the pressure to perform, constantly touring, never getting a moment's peace - how will all that affect their relationships? Is it possible to not let fame go to your head?

This book will take you on an emotional roller coaster of massive highs and terrible lows as you follow the trajectory of five ordinary people that, inspired by their musical heroes, Oasis, are thrust into the spotlight and become the best band in Britain.

Will their friendship survive the journey?

© 2022 Matthew Wilkinson

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